Sunday, January 29, 2023

 A few days ago, I awakened at 4:30 AM, and decided to meditate. During the meditation, I received a powerful urge to write about a particular topic that has been dear to me since I was a young man. Hopeful  that the project would be meaningful for others, I went back to sleep with a sense of renewed direction.

I become lucid pretty quickly after falling asleep. I begin to search for a place to meditate. I am in a very active setting, people are everywhere, and I don't feel that I can meditate comfortably with all of the activity around me. Finally, I see a group of women working on a project, and I ask them where I might go to have a bit of quiet time. They point to a playroom that's nearby. So I go into the playroom, and it is full of toys. There is hardly an uncluttered spot, so I sweep some toys aside on the floor, and lie down on the carpet, and start to meditate, hoping that the light will come. I feel the energy start to rise in my dream body and I expect the light to come, but suddenly I find myself walking with Julie toward my old mentor Chas, who is dead. I hear him say, "You like dark wood, don't you?" I said, "I like all wood." Then, as I reach where he stands, he steps aside to reveal a beautiful wooden chest that's on the floor with its lid open. It is about the size of a suitcase. It is empty, and it's made of a wood that had the color and hue of old gold--kind of pink and gold at the same time. He is obviously happy with the gift that he had made me, and I am moved by it. I embrace Chas, happy to see him again. I start crying, and then I wake up, crying in bed, feeling grateful to have seen him. 

Now I'm wondering, What (metaphorically) should I put in the wooden chest? It was like a British campaign desk--the kind meant to be carried on journeys and used for writing.

If it were your dream, what would go in your travel chest? 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Message from a Reader, and new Paper of "Viewing the Dream as Process"

 Dear Dr. Sparrow.

I recently came across your and Mark Thurston's article in the April Issue of the I.J.O.D.R.

It was a revelation. Having spent a number of years in intense dream analysis, which ultimately proved to be impractical due to the amount of time required.
Using the PN has produced profound results and very quickly too. The reduction of the
dream events down to their essence has made many things clear right away that may not have been seen even with a great deal of analysis.
This truly is a "key" to understanding that I've been looking for. Remembering dreams comes easily now, after many years of working to remember them. But I was reluctant to return to the way I had been working with them.
The PN has opened a door and brought a whole new freshness to my dreamwork.
Am interested in becoming part of the dream group you facilitate. I've been aware of you since you were mentioned in Stephen LaBerge's "Lucid Dreaming" and subsequently purchased your book "Lucid Dreaming: Dawning of the Clear Light" and have read your updates to it. This latest article was so helpful I felt impelled to reach out and thank you and to learn more.
Best Wishes,

I Hope Someone Takes You In--a dream

 Sometimes the words in dreams, paired with the feelings they evoke, stay with us because they awaken such undertones of meaning. Not long again, I had a dream:

A special man was opening a practice and a crowd of people milled around outside the office. I felt how special it would be to be considered as part of his team. Even though I knew many people were eager to join him, I approached his assistant and asked her if I could apply to be a part of the team. She smiled and told me to follow her. She said simply, “I have to take you in,” and she led me through the crowd. Her words remind me of many times in my life when someone took me in, and I felt a part of something vastly important. I’m sure that the disciples of the great teachers have felt that way when they were acknowledged and accepted. I hope someone sees you, and “takes you in.”

New Paper Based on Many Worlds of Lucid Dreaming Keynote in 2021

Here's the paper recently published in the International Journal of Dream Research, titled "Discerning the Ontology of Dream Characters from the Standpoint of Co-creative Dream Theory," which was based on my keynote presentation in 10/21 at the MWLD 2nd conference.

The presentation itself can be viewed, as well, at:

First Cause of Dreaming

 I am working on clarifying the importance of the first step of the FiveStar Process. In past years, I described the first step of the FSM as exploring feelings and establishing a sense of community by sharing feelings among the dreamwork participants. But I've come to realize in the last couple of years that the first step should be an assessment of the initial dissonance that the dreamer feels, and can be felt in the retelling of the dream. Ullman was perhaps the first allude to this initial state that precedes the arousal of dreaming--a state of felt tension in sleep between the dreaming self and the emergent emotional content that announces the presence of something foreign or "other," or not yet incorporated into oneself. On this basis, I recently wrote, as a prelude to a paper I'm going to be working on: 

One might ask, what is the first cause of dreaming? What gives rise to the experience of imagery during sleep? While one cannot easily access the very beginning of the first impulse that gives rise to the phenomenon of dream imagery, we can imagine that there is some sense of tension that arises that makes necessary the consideration of a felt situation that faces us. It has been said that polarity underlies the foundation of consciousness, and that a dialectical process always precedes the arousal of self-reflection and consciousness. Jung referred to it as a "tension of opposites" that comes about through the awareness of the unintegrated, repressed, or emergent aspects of the personal or collective unconscious. That is, the tension can be seen as a product of encountering something that has not been integrated from one's past, in line with Freud's notion of resolving repressed early conflict as encompassing the course of development that awaits us. Or, from Jung’s point of view, it may arise out of the tension between the ego and the emergent archetypes, which offer an enhanced energy and consciousness as a part of the an integrated, yet to be actualized dimensions of the Self. In both cases, however the common element is a sense of otherness and strangeness and intrusiveness. Jung describe the process of incipient self-awareness as the presence of a dark messenger, which mythologically is represented by Hermes, who arises out of the depths of the unconscious with a thrust that is unwelcome but necessary for the conscious self to evolve further, either by repairing its brokenness from past shearing between persona and shadow, or by wrestling with the angels of our unheralded greatness that offers to expand the ego, at some risk of destabilization.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Significant New Developments!

After a long pause, we are finally moving forward to launch a new course on! Designed by Kim Phetteplace, our Principal Trainer, the course will feature learning to use the FiveStar Method. Th course will have a new luser-friendly ook and feel, and more short videos--all built around our innovative FiveStar Method, which is based on co-creative dream theory and analysis. We will post an announcement when the course is ready for new students.

I have been training many of my Group Counseling students at UTRGV, as well as Internship students in the Five Star Method. The internship students are currently seeing clients within my DreamStar Free Online Counseling--a service (now a 501-C3 nonprofit) created at the beginning of the pandemic to permit our students to continue accruing direct counseling hours after the close of our on-campus clinics. After having served over 600 people from around the world, DFOC will soon become the internship platform for a Certificate of Clinical Dream Analysis under the auspices of UTRGV's graduate Counseling Department.

The Certificate of Dream Analysis will be available to UTRGV students and non-UTRGV students alike, and will be built around a 3-hour online graduate course as a companion component. While I will develop the online course, I will be inviting a variety of experts in the field to provide training lectures and workshops for the students.

Who can apply? We are working on inclusionary criteria, but we are considering admitting anyone who is licensed already, or at least has a graduate degree in a mental health field. Stay tuned! I will be posting updates on the CCDA's development.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Reflections on Teaching and Therapy: Informed Love as My Guiding Principle

 When a young therapist once expressed her anxiety over seeing her first patient, Carl Jung told her, “It’s not what you say, it’s who you are.” I tell this story to my students in order to lay the groundwork for their roles in their clients’ lives, and to make clear to them that I, too, believe that my effectiveness as a teacher and therapist cannot be reduced to information, or to facts that can be easily forgotten. I present myself, not as a repository of information, but as a legacy of experience that will take the form of stories and timely feedback that can inform them of their own unique style of being present in the world. After all, what I teach—counseling and psychotherapy—is not something that can be easily codified. It is more art than science. And, as Norman McClean once said, in A River Runs through It, “All good things come of grace, and grace comes of art, and art does not come easy.”

My own education lines up as an archipelago of impactful interpersonal experiences awakened and consolidated by my teachers and therapists. I have forgotten almost all the details of what they have told me, and I assume at the beginning of every course that my students will forget most of what I say, as well. The things I remember from my mentors are significant moments when they revealed themselves in their teaching, and moments when they saw me clearly. I remember, for instance, when my professor at William and Mary, Dr. Fred Adair reprimanded me in his marriage and family class when I asked him how I could help my own family. He was an ex-Marine fighter pilot sporting a handlebar mustache. He raised his voice and sternly replied, “Never be your family’s therapist! Love them! Love them!” I remember, as well, when my spiritual director leaned over after meditating, and said, “Don’t ever hesitate to let me know what you need.” Both of these mentors saw me in a profound way, and gave me what I needed in those moments.

What I carry of my teachers and mentors in my own approach to teaching are experiences of who they were that informed me of the core truths that guide my work. I am thankful for their courage in revealing themselves to me, and in turn, for awakening me to my own deep capacities and limitations.

Existential-Humanism as the Contemporary Standard

It is customary for counselor educators to espouse an existential-humanistic stance in their therapy and teaching, which is based on the assumption that people are intrinsically good. When guided by this positive view of human nature, counselor educators endeavor to help their students embrace their own unsullied goodness and authentic voice. Whether the teacher/therapist sees this essential goodness as divinely instilled or an aspect of human evolution, the corresponding teaching stance customarily expresses itself in an attitude of “unconditional positive regard,” and then sets about to assist the recipient in experiencing “unconditional self-regard” and the actualization of their inner potentials. 

While this philosophy enjoys almost universal acceptance by the major schools of counseling and psychotherapy, it nonetheless contradicts almost two thousand years of orthodox Christian belief founded on the notion that human beings are fundamentally sinful. The belief that humans are fallen by nature was contested in the first centuries of the Church by Universalism and other subversive threads in the movement, but Augustine finally drew a line in the sand in the 4th century A.D. when he declared, as heresy, the then-popular belief that we possess a core of goodness as our divine birthright. Augustine thought this idea so damaging to the core doctrine of Christ’s vicarious atonement that he persuaded the Pope to excommunicate the British monk Pelagius, who was the main exponent of the belief at the time. Thereafter, the orthodox Church rebuked the idea that humans possess any intrinsic goodness of their own.

It is common for teachers and therapists to ignore the orthodox legacy that still influences Christian doctrine. But I think it is naive for us to believe that this pessimistic view of human nature is merely an artifact of superstition and outdated religiosity. To the contrary, one can find this conservative view expressed by Hobbes, Freud, and political systems that view humanity with mistrust, as driven by destructive and hedonistic impulses. It may not be the whole picture either, but any idea that has served humanity for so long is likely to reflect some truth, and to serve some purpose. Churchill was correct, after all, and Chamberlain was wrong.

I part ways with existential-humanism somewhat by embracing another truth alongside it. In my teaching and therapeutic work alike, I find it insufficient to approach my student as only imbued with greatness, even though I believe it’s true that each person possesses a unique “genius” waiting to be activated and expressed in the world. People also need to find a way to confess their errors, and to unburden themselves of their real and perceived shortcomings. While the Catholic confessional once served as the principal way that people confessed and received expiation, the priest’s sacerdotal function has spread to the secular professions, as well. 

…fragmented and mobile, competitive societies leave many without stable supportive communities and community figures, such as priests, who previously supplied many valued facilities including the confessional; and the breakdown of the concept of selfless duty, altruism or love (Agape) also leaves a large hole in the social and interpersonal fabric. (Feltham, 1999, p. 7)

By uniting a perspective that celebrates the goodness within the human soul but recognizes our capacity for grave error, we arrive at a complex, twofold view of human nature—one that when expressed as an attitude toward others, can be termed, “informed love.”

My Discovery of Informed Love

I started to question the existential-humanistic paradigm principally through a decades-long phenomenological study of religious experiences. In the mid-1990s, I wrote two nationally published books on Christian religious experience—I Am With You Always: True Stories of Encounters with Jesus (Bantam, 1994)and Blessed among Women: Encounters with Mary and Her Message (Crown, 1995)not from the standpoint of a believer, but from the perspective of a psychotherapist interested in answering the question, What impact do such experiences have on a person’s life?  I was intrigued by the specific “curative factors”  exhibited by alleged encounters with embodiments of higher power.

I discovered that what might be termed the “core experience” of higher power involves two simultaneous convictions of the recipient. In analyzing over 200 contemporary visions and deep dreams of Christian religious encounters, I determined that the experience of being totally known and totally loved was the unifying factor in all of them. George Richie, the recipient of what is perhaps the most famous near-death experience in history, described this two-fold experience as follows: “Far more even than power, what emanated from this Presence was unconditional love. An astonishing love. A love beyond my wildest imagining. This love knew every unlovable thing about me...and accepted and loved me just the same.”

Our capacity for emulating such love and knowing is certainly limited by our knowledge of a person, and our capacity for accepting them deeply. But while we cannot know everything about a person, our knowledge of clients and students increases over time, and our regard of them can grow commensurately. Thus we can embrace informed love as an aspirational ideal, and look for instances where we can serve in this capacity, if only briefly. Such experience of informed love are acknowledged as a normal consequence of spiritual practice in Hinduism and Buddhism, in which the guru serves as an external symbol of one’s own true nature. The guru facilitates this awakening to this unconscious wholeness through the bestowal of darshan—a Sanskrit word that means, literally, “glance.” But it is the guru’s full apprehension of the essential self where one’s prodigious strengths and weakness of moral compass cohabit in a unique, non-dual synthesis. So when the guru bestows darshan, the recipient is abruptly exposed to the heights and depths that coinhere within oneself. 

My own William and Mary professor and eventual therapist, Dr. Chas Matthews discovered the power of darshan unintentionlly. When he found out that both of his children had gone to live in an ashram in the Catskills, Chas was understandably concerned. Having a master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate in psychology prepared him, he believed, to evaluate the authenticity of the presiding guru. Chas dutifully traveled to the ashram to make his assessment. Like the other devotees,  he stood in the “darshan line” to experience what it was like to receive the guru’s blessing. As he finally faced her, she smiled and touched his head with a peacock feather. He immediately fell to his knees weeping uncontrollably, and spent the next three hours in a special room where he was cared for. He said he’d never felt so totally loved or revealed to anyone in his life.

Comparing the impact of ostensible “Christ encounters” with the Eastern phenomenon of  darshan, I believed that I had discovered what might be termed the ultimate “curative factor” in relationships—one combines a simultaneous witnessing of one’s exhaulted and faulted nature. I wrote a paper for the journal, Mental Health, Religion and Culture, titled “Informed Love as a Curative Factor” to present this premise. In this paper, I drew on my years of research into religious experiences, and laid out the phenomenological evidence for the way that people experience profound healing and change through informed love. One of the reviewers of the paper said in her review, “I was ready not to like this paper, but I was surprised.”

Informed Love Provides a Basis for My Teaching Philosophy

My theory of teaching thus has its roots in my theory of human nature, which is founded on the concept of our twofold natures, and the importance of “informed love.” This courageous attitude is nothing new: It can be found in the psychology of Jung, the philosophy of the alchemists, the poetry of Rilke, and the emptiness doctrine  of Tibetan Buddhism, among other places. As a thread throughout history, it often contends with partisan and moralistic perspectives that hide the greater truth of who we are, and project the unexamined fear and judgment upon those who differ from us, in particular.

What form does this take in my everyday teaching and therapy work? When I work with counseling students, and clients, I endeavor to witness the unique gifts that they bring to our profession. I am curious, even fascinated by their uniqueness, and I want them to see what I see. I also want them to find the courage to face what stands in way of their greater expression in the world. I also  want them to develop the capacity to see others in the same way, and to elicit from them the full breadth of self-consideration activated by the presence of someone who cares for them and yet holds them accountable, as well.

An example of a classroom event that I believe demonstrates “informed love” occurred some time ago in one of my group counseling classes. As part of each class, we meet together as an “ecological group” that is, at once a teaching environment as well as a place where group dynamics are on display. As we sit at small tables arranged in a rectangle with me at one end, I am able to perform quasi-therapeutic interventions in order to demonstrate how they can function as group leaders. If I use a group technique to facilitate our interaction, I will stop and explain its use shortly afterward.

One night, we were all seated and ready to start the meeting, except for one woman who arrived late. She had missed a couple of classes, and had arrived late on several occasions. I knew that she was struggling with depression, and I was trying to make it possible for her to continue. 

As she came in and seated herself, looking despondent, I noticed a couple of people reacting nonverbally with apparent impatience. In most educational settings, the professor would not inquire into these nonverbal behaviors. But as a counseling educator, I want to know what’s going on beneath the surface of such behaviors, in order to facilitate self-awareness and deeper engagement. So, I asked one of them what she was experiencing. As you might expect, she resisted sharing, but eventually admitted that she was irritated at the late-arriving woman. A woman beside her nodded, and agreed that she, too, wondered why the tardy woman was even in the class, given her irregular attendance. A third woman concurred, as if there was a consensus growing. They obviously wanted to make the deviant member the issue, and expected I would follow suit; but I would not allow it. I asked further questions about the source of irritation, and any other feelings the women were experiencing. Without judgment or criticism, I asked them each to share their own experiences with mental disorders: Had they ever experienced depression or anxiety, and had they ever been in therapy, I asked? They had not. They became very uncomfortable with my questions, but then I asked them to consider the basis upon which they could judge the woman. That is, had they ever been in such distress, I asked? Well, none of them had. And when I inquired further, it suddenly became evident that they were uncomfortable with the idea that they, too, might suffer with mental illness one day. None of them had any basis, as yet, for empathy. 

I have no doubt that those three women, as well as the target of their impatience, will never forget that group exchange. Nor is it likely that the rest of the class will, either. The three women who were ready to eject the deviant member were able to access their own fear of losing control, and their own fragility in never having experienced the stronger currents of life. The woman represented a side of life that they feared, and the mode of inquiry that I took helped them realize that their judgement cloaked an underlying fear.

Informed love is, I believe the most integrated perspective on human nature, and facilitates a form of inquiry and witnessing that speaks to a deep need within us for a kind of stewardship through which we are finally seen. Of course, it in order to emulate this stance of firm but compassionate witnessing, we cannot remain unconscious of our own darkness—of what Jung called the shadow. We need to turn within and participation in the alchemy of non-dual engagement and the ransmutation of all that we consider unacceptable. For that ambitious quest to succeed, we need our own therapists and mentors to guide us. 

Ultimately, I believe we can intentionally express this philosophy of informed love as teachers and therapists, and thus bring a core complete view of human nature to the world through our example, and through the students and clients who similarly awakened to this truth within themselves. By our own example and willingness to inquire lovingly and soberly into what makes them great, and what can undermine them, we will encourage them how to be present for others and awaken them, accordingly.

Feltham, C. (1999). Contextualising the therapeutic relationship. In C. Feltham (Ed.), Understanding the counselling relationship.London: Sage.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Teaching the FiveStar Method in my Group Counseling Classes

 Toward the end of the semester (summer session currently), I always introduce the FiveStar Method to my group counseling students, and we practice in class. Then, they are encouraged to use dream sharing in their small groups during the latter part of each class. My students invariably say that learning dream analysis is deeply rewarding, and supplements their conventional education with a practice that deepens and accelerates the therapeutic process. 

Here's a sample of our in-class dreamwork. The dreamer, Diana, has agreed to let me share the brief session. I think this video shows the natural and safe context for deep exploration established by the FiveStar Method.

Dreamwork with Diana

While my grad students are practicing in my group counseling classes, UTRGV Internship students have been leading online groups with participants from around the world. The groups have become quite popular, and now we are getting ready to conduct a research study on the benefits of these dream charing groups. Stay tuned for that! And check out DreamStar Free Online Counseling if you're interested in taking part in an online group.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Workshop on The Construction and Analysis of Metaphors

You may be interested in a workshop presentation I gave for the IASD conference in June. It was based on a paper that I published last year in the International Journal of Dream Research, titled "The Construction and Analysis of Metaphors from the Standpoint of Co-Creative Theory." Here's the link to the video:

In my writings in recent years, I have focused on the dreamer/dream interactive process as the centerpiece of co-creative dreamwork. But more recently, I have been focusing on how to understand the dream imagery. I think you will find this presentation to nudge you in a new direction, if you aren't already there. Let me know what you think, ok?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 I've just launched a new podcast, titled DreamStar Institute Presents "Dreamwork with Dr. Scott Sparrow." My first episode is a monologue, "An Introduction to Co-Creative Dreamwork," but my second episode will feature a conversation with Ryan Hurd, founder of, and author of Sleep Paralysis, for which I wrote the Foreword...

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Interviewed by Melanie Alberts on Psychic Playdate podcast

 I was recently a guest of Melanie Alberts, host of "Psychic Playdate" podcast, who interviewed me on the topic of Co-Creative Dreamwork. She's a gifted interviewer, perhaps because she's a psychic, too! It was a fun interview. Melanie is an enthusiastic proponent of the FiveStar Method, having experienced a FSM dream sharing group firsthand.

DreamStar Certification Program Relaunch Coming Soon

Kim Phetteplace, DreamStar's first Certified Practitioner, is working with me to upgrade and relaunch the DreamStar Certification program, as well as enhance our course offerings with short courses designed for people who want to learn the FiveStar Method without necessarily pursuing certification. We have cleaned up the Certification Course pages and navigation, and plan to re-offer the Mastering the FiveStar Method course soon. That course was unmonitored, but we plan to upgrade it to a mentored, interactive course. So look for it soon!

I am also working on launching a podcast in the next week, using the Buzzsprout platform. An ambient composer, Damien Duque (City of Dawn) has composed three original tracks for the podcast, and I have a brand new Blue Yeti mic for the podcast. I look forward to hosting a variety of dream experts and authors in the near future! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Reddit AMA

 Hi all, I just did a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) appearance in the Dream community. You can view the conversation here.

Here's what Jason LeBord, the moderator and dream author and expert said of the event:

"It ended up being a successful event and we appreciate you engaging with the community and sharing what you know. Your approach to understanding dreams is the most accessible I know of, and that makes it especially valuable for a community like Reddit Dreams. They need what you offer. We can talk all day about theory and psychology and in the end it doesn't really help people understand their dreams, or help them understand themselves better through their dreams. I will take what I've learned from you going forward, and I hope you will consider dropping by again."

New Paper on Analyzing Dream Metaphors

Hi friends, 

I recently published a paper in the International Journal of Dream Research titled, "The Construction and Analysis of Metaphors from the Standpoint of Co-Creative Dream Theory." It can be downloaded here.

This was a paper that was long in coming! I hope you find it meaningful!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Fly Tying and the Mind of God

This essay may seem more appropriate for my fly fishing blog, but after writing it, I felt it captured something "in between" angling and the spiritual journey. More and more, it seems that everything I do is related to a singular purpose.  Anyway, I think you'll understand why I posted it:

I have flyfished now for 56 years, beginning on a small artesian pond in the Texas brush country. I started tying flies in my teens, and have always found flytying to satisfy my creative impulses. When I started fly fishing the Blue Ridge, I tied my own patterns, hoping that they would succeed. And they did, with the tiny brook trout that populated the streams in the upper elevations of Shenandoah National Park. They had survived over the millennia by being willing to seize the moment. But when I had the opportunity to flyfish Henry's Fork of the Snake River, I struck out entirely with my motley collection of homespun flies. The fish wouldn't touch them. For the first time in my life, I did what most flyfishers do as a matter of course when fishing new waters: I visited a fly shop and purchased a dozen flies, most of which were variations on a single bluewing olive hatch. That day, I learned that no matter how inventive you are, you must still muster the humility to look at what's going on around you.

When I began to flyfish my home waters of the Lower Laguna in my early 20s, I was able to unleash my creativity, mainly because the fish didn't care. I created poppers from deer hair, discovered that they would sink after a few casts, and began experimenting with various ways to keep them afloat. I ended up discovering closed cell foam, and married foam with spun deer hair to create the earliest iterations of the VIP popper, the subject of the second article I wrote for Fly Tyer. It's been one of my top three flies ever since, mainly because the fish don't care much about how the fly looks, as long as it doesn't misbehave. Many anglers, who have tied the VIP, agree. 

In fisheries such as the LLM, a fly is successful mainly because of how it performs; that is, its castability in wind, how it lands on the water, its sink rate, how it performs in seagrass-filled water, and its hookup rate. But in a cold water fishery populated with wild, spawning populations of trout, these variables don't matter as much. Instead, the fly is usually effective if it imitates a naturally occurring insect that the fish are keying on at that particular moment. Tying flies to match the hatch takes considerable discipline and "imitativeness," as opposed to inventiveness. Of course, there are non-imitative flies that are successful, too, such as the Wulff patterns, and Western attractors such as the Stimulator. Attractor patterns are, by definition, invented by anglers who are willing to think outside the box of imitative fly tying, and conceive of a synthesis of qualities that may not occur in Nature. In a sense, the inventive tyer taps into an archetype that has no literal physical expression, at least as yet, but somehow appeals to the fish's sense of propriety, or provokes its indignation. We really don't know what a fish thinks when it sees what is clearly divorced from all recognizable life forms.

Inventiveness comes at the beginning and the end of an angler's learning curve. When I fished the Jackson River in western Virginia, I learned that attractor patterns were, by and large, ineffective on that tailwater fishery. I learned one day from fly fishing guru Harry Steeves, who happened to be fly fishing below Gathright Dam one morning, that I had to know precisely the size and shape of a particular midge pupae in order to hook the largest trout I'd every enticed the following day. But while fishing in the same spot one day not long after this humbling lesson, it suddenly occurred to me--don't ask why--that a particular synthesis of two popular dry fly patterns would prove successful, even though the pattern did not match any natural insect on that difficult fishery. I went to my hotel and tied the pattern that night, and it became the "Jackson River Special." My buddy Bill May and I caught a lot of trout the next day on that pattern, and it continued to be my most effective fly for that fishery.

The difference between the novice fly tier and the seasoned one had to do with several things, including: the countless days of immersion on my Virginia home waters, the humility to learn from masters such as Harry Steeves, and the willingness to listen to what Nature was whispering to me. When you embrace all of those ingredients, then you become eligible on the far end of the learning curve to innovate effectively. Houston Smith, who wrote Forgotten Truth, and was known for his books on comparative religions, came up with a concept that resolved the conflict over Darwinian evolution and Creationism. Pointing to events in nature that cannot be reduced to the forces of natural selection--such as nonadaptive coloration among birds--he coined the term, "the descent of the archetype" to explain the playful creativity of the divine expressing itself in the world.

I believe that inventiveness at the fly tying vise can be, at the pinnacle of one's learning process, a moment of an archetype's descent into expression. It can be the fly tying equivalent of a Coppery Tailed Trogan or a Painted Bunting, both of which make no sense in a world governed in large part by survival of the fittest. It can mirror a pattern in the mind of God, which exists only as a creative expression capable of arousing an answering response in the mind of fish. Flies such as Bud Rowland's Numero Uno, and perhaps my own VIP Popper, look strange and idiosyncratic, but are endowed with something beyond the rational, imitative mind. When the VIP made the cover of Guide Flies several years ago, I was admittedly embarrassed to have the VIP pictured beside Harry Murray's Mr. Rapidan, a fly that has become immortalized as a Blue Ridge classic. I have always realized how odd the humble fly looks, but how effective it can be. In one sense, it wasn't my creation as much as a gift of momentary inspiration informed by years of failure and yearning. It was the utterance of another realm finding a fertile place in my imagination.

The other day, Ryan said, "I want to invent a new fly." As a relatively old man, I thought, as all fathers do, "Learn more first." But then I remembered the endless winter nights of inventiveness at the tying vise as a young man. So I said nothing, knowing that Ryan's creativity would, in time, merge with prodigious on-the-water experience to spawn original creations, the broad shape of which had been known for all eternity in one mind alone.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Paper Just Published in IJODR

I have authored a paper that might interest you was just published in the International Journal of Dream Research, 12, 1, (April, 2019), titled "Fading Light and Sluggish Flight: A Two-Dimensional Model of Consciousness in Lucid Dreams." You can download the paper from the IJODR site, at Enjoy!

When You Are Ready

When I was about 22, I dreamt that I awoke to see a bright white light descending into our side yard, 20 feet outside the window. I was frightened, so I got up and ran from my room, but not before a dark form flew toward me. As it touched the ground, it became a beautiful blond woman dressed in a blue jumpsuit of the kind you might see in a science fiction movie. I asked her what she wanted. She said, “We have come for your brother. You are not ready yet.” Glad that they had not come for me, I went to inform my brother of their arrival. I found him kneeling tearfully in prayer. His head was shaved, and he wore a saffron-colored robe. He accompanied me to where the woman was waiting outside our bedroom window. She and her travel companions laid my brother down and slid his body through an opening in the luminous craft. Before they left, the woman told me that they had put something inside my wrist that would serve as a beacon to them. She said, “We will return when you are ready.”

Between that moment and this juncture in time I have been the recipient of countless experiences of spiritual ecstasy and religious encounter. I have written a book on lucid dreaming, a book on face-to-face encounters with Jesus, a book on visions of the Holy Mother, and a memoir on fly fishing as a spiritual journey that was inspired by luminous dreams. But throughout these important developmental stages, I have never forgotten the woman’s promise to return “when you are ready.”

One sign that I was nearing readiness for her return was an experience I had a decade ago aboard my fishing skiff, while spending the night alone on the Lower Laguna Madre, my home waters from childhood where I have flyfished since my 20s, and guided flyfishers for the past 18 years. I’d already spent several nights on the bay during the full moon, and I decided to do it one night while a tropical storm brewed over the open Gulf to the south of where I anchored.

  I lay there for a while, savoring the view of a clear, starry sky above me, and golden thunder heads to the south lit up with lightning, until I began to drift off to sleep. Passing into the realm between waking and sleeping, I heard something that I had not experienced in months. It was a familiar interior sound — like ocean waves or a rushing wind — and it had often preceded the coming of the Light or the onset of an out-of-body experience. A well-known Tibetan treatise refers to this phenomenon as the “gift waves,” and says that it indicates the presence of a spiritual master who is assisting in the development of the recipient. 
Regardless of its source, I have always considered it an auspicious event, so I surrendered to it without resistance or fear. A few minutes later, I lost consciousness briefly, but not before I felt myself rocking back and forth on the verge of leaving my body.
The next thing I remembered, I was sitting with a group of men in a wide, open work boat that was about 25 feet long. It was a very bright, cloudless day. I was fully conscious and acutely aware that I had somehow been transported from the Shoal Cat to another place. I wasn’t sure that the men could see me, so I remained still and just watched what was going on around me. Where was I? I wondered. I gathered somehow that the men were waiting to go to work inside a building that towered above us in the middle of an ocean. They all wore similar blue-and-white work clothes. I also observed several strange, otherworldly-looking boats passing by, each of which appeared to be exquisitely crafted and personally tailored to its owner’s tastes. 

Then I realized with a start where I was: I was on another planet, and the sun above me was another star! Reeling from this insight, I was suddenly back on lying on the deck of my boat, looking up at the stars again and listening to the retreating sound of the gift waves. 
It was another 15 years before the "portal" between this world and the stars opened up more completely. I have visited so many  planets in faraway star systems, and have said goodbye to countless loving souls whom I will probably never see until I am no longer tethered to this world. There have been so many experiences that I only write down the most memorable ones, some of which are included in this blog. Someday soon, I hope to write about them in a book-long treatment on the subject. But suffice to say, I know that we're not alone in the universe, and that there are countless worlds and souls who will welcome you as a long-lost friend ... "when you are ready."

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Guru's Invitation

I had meditated at 4:30 am, and left my body after lying back down around 5:15. After being out for 30 minutes or so, and encountering numerous beings, ostensibly from another star system (a regular experience), I left them, and walked along alone. I looked up at the sky and prayed that I might receive some help in my writing and be guided or taken someplace where I would receive that help. Suddenly the clouds parted and a huge mandala began to form in the sky. It was beautiful and very ornate. Perhaps it was an ancient Indian mandala or yantra, because there did not seem to be any Buddhas in the mandala.  I was drawn up into it and as I got closer to it, I could see that it was textured rather than two-dimensional, kind of like a quilt. 

Some of the panels was actually mirror-like or metallic and others were more like silk or lustrous material, but it was exquisitely beautiful. Then it seemed that the mandala was draped over a large table or platform and I knew that it had been created by a woman. I was on the platform, on the mandala and then lowered myself onto the floor around this platform. I found myself in what appeared to be on ashram store or a place where spiritual items were sold that were associated with some spiritual tradition. There were vendors all around the periphery of a square room and I walked around greeting each of them and seeing what they had to offer. Each of the vendors was a woman, and they seemed to be overjoyed to see me. They greeted me with great compassion and joy, and it just made me feel happy, on the edge of ecstasy myself. Then someone mentioned that the Guru was coming and I turned, and he came. He stood beaming only a couple of feet away.  He was fairly young and radiant and happy and clearly pleased to see me as if I was a long lost friend or someone he expected.  He had black hair, with white hair or light on the edges of his hair. He then embraced me. 

Then he had his followers bring me an abundance of gifts of various types and they inundated me with bags and boxes full of things. He was so happy, and he would lean over to tend to the gifts. At one moment, he said, "this is for your bath," and he took something out of one of the containers and brought it to my attention and smiled and as if he was taking great care and making sure that I understood how all of the gifts could be used. Finally I asked him, “Who are you?" And he said that his name was like two names starting with s and he used the acronym s a m as if somehow Sam was a short name that described his longer names. But as usual, it’s hard to hear words distinctly in the OOBE.

Then it seemed I was coming out of that particular episode and looking around for him and didn't see him anymore and I asked somebody if a man that I was standing next to was the Guru and the man I asked said, "no, no, he's down the hallway sitting in his chair." So I walked down the hallway and there was a woman kneeling in front of him with her head bowed to the floor. Meanwhile, he sat in the chair and in a very stately, meditative pose. The woman got up and then I took my position in front of him and he said something like, “Do whatever feels comfortable for you," as if to say "you don't have to go by our traditions." Nonetheless, I bowed down and put my head to the floor and it felt very right to do that. When I stood up, I aked him, “How can I find you? Can I visit with you again?" He said, "certainly you are always welcome." And then he said, “ Come to Montreal." And then I began to come back to my body.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Dream: The God Within the Garden

I awoke at 5 o’clock, and took 4 mg of galantamine before returning to bed without meditating. My goal was modest, that is, to just remember a dream. But I had a dream in which I became lucid and began flying. I considered going up and heading for the stars, but for some reason I stayed in the world, feeling that my out-of-body condition was fragile.  Then, I was with many people who were involved in ARE. We were in a rural setting, which had been endowed by some donor at the tune of $10 million or more, which was facilitated by Charles Thomas Cayce before his death. We were exploring the area. At some point, we became aware that the plant life of the earth  had been struck by some kind of force or disease that caused it to wither. Somehow we were aware that there was an ancient being who was underground, and we hoped to find that being so it could assist us in addressing the problem that the world faced. We used what looked to be a metal detector that we swept over the ground seeking for some signal of the being’s presence. After we had swept a garden area, a lettuce plant begin to vibrate, as if to signify that something was beneath it. I took a shovel and began to dig gently into the soil, eventually exposing a red light, which we knew to be an eye or sensor for the being. The being emerged from the ground in a non-humanoid form, looking like a plant made of flesh or non-woody material. It came close to me, and touched me. I knew that it recognized me. It then transformed into a little male child who was on my back with his arms around me. It seemed to be morning, and we were all eating outside. I fed the child buttered toast while we visited with the people around us. Then I addressed him more formally, asking him if he could do something for us to save the world from the dire situation it faced. He seem to rise up into the air and address the problem globally and taking a while to do so. Then, upon his return, he and I were face-to-face, and I was feeling deep, almost unbearable love. I told him I loved him and he told me the same. I asked him, "Where have we known each other?" He replied, “Everywhere.” And then I gradually awoke in my bed.

Friday, March 8, 2019

The First Cause of Dreaming

A recent realization of mine has been percolating for some time, and has matured in the context of doing online dream groups for the past two years. The question is, "What gives rise to a dream?"

Neuroscientists have their own answers, but I'm a phenomenologist, and therapist, so I'm looking at the initial moments in a dream to provide hints pertaining to the background reason for its emergence.

I believe that the first cause is the experience of dissonance between the status quo dream ego awareness, and some discordant or emergent feeling that collides with it.

In the Gospel of Thomas, it says, "When the one becomes two, what will you do?" In essence, consciousness depends on dissonance; for otherwise, there would be no other, no awareness of difference, only a kind of immersive, formless awareness.

If you study the first sentence or two of any dream narrative, you will usually find some sense of edge or uneasiness that lays the groundwork for everything that follows. It doesn't have to be unpleasant, only sufficiently "different" to evoke awareness upon which the imagery then populates the dream interface as an expression of the evolving sense of difference or dissonance. I know this sounds abstract, but it provides very practice ways to structure effective co-creative dream work.

Take for instance the opening words of a dream that a dream group member once shared. "I heard the howl of a wolf, and realized that my chickens were vulnerable to attack. I grabbed a hoe and ran out the back door in order to protect them." One ways to structure the dream work is to reflect on the fact that even before the dreamer heard the fox howl, she was aware of a sense of uneasiness and threat, and the wolf's howl and everything that transpired thereafter provided an experience of confronting and resolving (if possible) the sense of threat.

I will be writing further about this, but consider a couple of dreams of your own, and see you can come up with an initial sense of dissonance, and describe it. Then proceed to work on your dream using the FiveStar Method, and see if this preliminary step aids you in conducting more effective dream work.

The Disappearing Client I often reflect on the strangeness of serving as a psychotherapist. It's hard to know the impact of my work, bec...