Friday, April 8, 2022

Significant New Developments!

After a long pause, we are finally moving forward to launch a new course on! Designed by Kim Phetteplace, our Principal Trainer, the course will feature learning to use the FiveStar Method. Th course will have a new luser-friendly ook and feel, and more short videos--all built around our innovative FiveStar Method, which is based on co-creative dream theory and analysis. We will post an announcement when the course is ready for new students.

I have been training many of my Group Counseling students at UTRGV, as well as Internship students in the Five Star Method. The internship students are currently seeing clients within my DreamStar Free Online Counseling--a service (now a 501-C3 nonprofit) created at the beginning of the pandemic to permit our students to continue accruing direct counseling hours after the close of our on-campus clinics. After having served over 600 people from around the world, DFOC will soon become the internship platform for a Certificate of Clinical Dream Analysis under the auspices of UTRGV's graduate Counseling Department.

The Certificate of Dream Analysis will be available to UTRGV students and non-UTRGV students alike, and will be built around a 3-hour online graduate course as a companion component. While I will develop the online course, I will be inviting a variety of experts in the field to provide training lectures and workshops for the students.

Who can apply? We are working on inclusionary criteria, but we are considering admitting anyone who is licensed already, or at least has a graduate degree in a mental health field. Stay tuned! I will be posting updates on the CCDA's development.

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